28 may 2016


To finish these series of posts we're gonna tell you how different our life is with the learning and practice of the CS.

In general, Character Strengths made a great impact in our lives. We learnt that without them we are not going to be successful in life and the most important we're not going to be happy. We think CS have to be practiced not only in school or with our family. We have to practice them in every aspect of our lives. CS are connected between each other.

We're not saying that you have to have the CS 100% developed but to work on them little by little to be a better person.


We're going to tell you a problem we had where we didn't use Character Strengths and how different would it be if we had use them.

Well, we were together in a team with other friends for a homework and we said we would do the hw in someone's house, the thing is that we never agreed in what house and we didn't care very much about the hw so the next day we were very hurried and concerned about our grade. 

We think it would be different because obviously we would have had a better grade if we had put an effort on the homework or at less had cared about it.

This situation made us realize we have to use Character Strengths in our daily lives (in school, with our family, friends, etc) to be a better person and to avoid problems. 



This week we are going to make a series of posts, as you see in the title about Character Strengths in our life.
In this first one, we will tell you a situation where we successfully showed Character Strengths. (One in each one's life).

Well, a situation were I successfully showed Character Strengths is when it was going to be the French class exam, I remember there were many topics to study and I set a goal that I would study very hard to get a good grade in the exam. I spent all the afternoon studying and the next day I presented the exam. When the teacher gave the grades I got a 100. I felt really satisfied with myself. I used grit, optimism, zest & self-control.

A situation were I showed Character Strengths successfully was when I was in the basketball training and I wanted to score a basket in a game so I  trained very hard and in the day of the game I score many baskets. I felt really happy and satisifies with myself because I accomplished my goal. I used zest primarily, optimism & self-control.

21 may 2016


Hey again guyssss!!!

To finish our series of posts about The Student's Day, we will share with you some tips that will help you to be better students!
Here we go

  1. Try to get along with all your classmates, in that way you can work well with everyone using Social Intelligence.
  2. Always be thankful with your classmates, being thankful is going to make your relationship with them stronger.
  3. Never give up, set goals and achieve them, always keep Perseverance (Grit).
  4. When things get difficult in school, don't get angry, stay calm and start studying more to get good grades, never lose control.
  5. Always find new creative ways to do your work ans never stay with the doubt about something, always search for the answer.



We interviewed a friend that we think applies Character Strengths that make her a good student.

She is Natalia Cansino!!

The main Character Strengths she applies in school are Optimism and Grit.

She is optimist because she tries to find something good in homeworks, projects of school, etc. And even though they are not the way she wants them to be, or they are difficult or complicated to do, she keeps optimist and do the work the best way possible.

She is perseverant because if exams are coming and there is one of them that is very difficult or she doesn't understand well the topics, she studies very hard to get a good grade in the exam and in the other ones.

20 may 2016


Hey guys!!

Because Student's Day is coming, we're going to make a series of posts talking about how to be a better student.

In this first post we are going to tell you the Character Strengths we think we have and why.

The main character strengths we have are zest, grit and curiosity because when we work together we always give our best, we try to find new ways to do it and we don't give up if things get difficult.

We think this Character Strengths make us good students because with them it is easier to make a project and get good grades. They also help us in our daily life in how we coexist with other people, how we treat them, not having conflicts with our family, and they make us better persons.

14 may 2016



Well, this is our final post about the Teacher's Day!

We're going to make a comparison about the Character Strengths we thought Mr. Miguel Giacoman had and what he told us.

The only Strength of Character that coincide was Social Intelligence. But even though he didn't say Grit and Zest, we think he has them all.

Mr. Miguel Giacoman is a nice person, what we recognize of him is that he's a very polite person.
Since we had class with him last year we realized he is a very enthusiast person, we liked his class.